Social entrepreneurship as an inclusion strategy Case study: The third phase of National Initiative for Human Development in Morocco

17 octobre 2023 Publication
Langue :  Anglais

The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic has prompted the Moroccan public authorities to set up public programs to promote employment and entrepreneurship such as “Intelaka”, “Awrach”, “Forsa” and Program III of the third phase of the “National Initiative for Human Development”(INDH).

The objective of this article is to analyze the different stages of implementation of the Program III of the third phase of the INDH. This analysis will allow us to assess the results obtained with the human, financial and technical resources deployed and to what extent this initiative will help to thwart the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Key words: Public policies, social entrepreneurship, social economy, Initiative National Initiative for Human Development, economic inclusion, social inclusion.